We’d intentionally steered clear of Wave Rock on our first attempt East, but this time, since it wasn’t much of a detour (if any) between Perth and Esperance, we gave it a visit.

But first, we’d spent the night in a place called George Rock. It was dark when we arrived, so I had no idea what was in the area. I went for a quick discovery walk this morning, expecting to find some large granite rock, and found a large granite rock! It was like most other large granite monoliths – rounded and bald. What I didn’t expect to find was a dam that had been created in the valley of the rock, creating a modest sized swimming pool (this was the actual intention, not for irrigation or consumption). Oddly, there were signs up forbidding swimming… For the next few hours as we continued our way towards Esperance, we’d continue to see signs for various rocks, which I’m guessing were also large granite rocks.

20130918_RCH_2397 20130918_RCH_2401 20130918_RCH_2406Wave Rock fits into the ‘large granite monolith’ category, like many of the other rocks in the area, though, this one was different as erosion has undercut the side of the rock, making a wave like shape. I’d heard people talk it down, complaining that it was just one small section of rock, and not worth the detour (it’s a detour if you want to go to Margaret River and Albany areas). I’d certainly be a little down on it if we’d had to drive an hour to see it, but since we didn’t, it’s a pointless discussion. The actual wave is about 30-50m long and about 10m high. Sadly, there is a small rock/concrete wall on top of the wave, which ruins the view from all but a few angles. We did like good tourists, and fully embraced the surfing pose.

There were more walks in the area, to other interesting erosion features, but we consumed a fair bit of time talking some wedding photos, and wanted to get to Esperance before dark, so we gave them a miss.

The rest of drive was fairly uneventful… familiar scenes, lots of which were familiar as we’d driven (or been a passenger in a bus on) those roads before. Driving the last 40km into Esperance brought back many painful memories – I spent most of the time nervously watching the digital temperature gauge, which thankfully didn’t deviate from its usual temperature.

I was tempted to visit the wreckers and the caravan park that we’d spent so much time at in Esperance, but figured it was probably a waste of everyone’s time, so kept driving towards Cape Le Grand. It was about 60km from the centre of town to the campsite that was situated right at the edge of the beach. Fortunately there are quite a few small bushes/trees that are acting as a wind break, as the wind is absolutely howling again (much like last time we were in Esperance).

20130918_RCH_2432 20130918_RCH_2436 20130918_RCH_2438It was a bit late/dark to do much exploring, so we’ll save it for the morning. Fingers crossed for favourable weather.

128日目  9月18日(水)


最後の1週間は、明日か明日かとメカニックからの電話待ちだったので、毎晩寝る前に2人には、(2人は、朝仕事で早いので)“滞在させてありがとう! 日本で再会しようね〜” なんて言いながら、毎日期待を裏切られ、2人には、きっと一生パースを離れられない運命だと思うから仕事探しな!と言われ笑われの毎日でしたが、私の料理が毎日楽しみだったらしく、飯さえ作ってくれればずっといていいよとの何とも優しい2人でした!

ありがとう!! ついに昨日の午後にデリちゃんが完治し、退院の許可が下りました。  なんとも長かった、、、そして治療費は$4000、、、


今日は、Hydenという人口約400人の小さな町の側にある、Wave Rockという場所に立ち寄ってきました。




いろんな人からがっかり名所だから特にいかなくていいよと言われていたので、そこまで期待は、していなかったのですが、思ったよりも岩の壁も高かったし、本当に大きな波の形で長い年月をかけて上部から流れ落ちてくる雨水などの影響で変化したストライプ状の岩肌の色もなかなか味があって、すてきな場所でした。  ただ曇り空で、風がかなり強かったので、肌寒かった!!
そういえば、、、途中Rabensthorpe という町でランチブレイク。  ここは、前回パースから来た時もこのトイレに立ち寄り、パースへバスで戻る時も立ち寄り、そして今回、、、まさかこのトイレに3回も来る事になるとは思いもしなかった、、、笑


無事何事もなく今晩の目的地のCape Le Grand という国立公園の岬でキャンプ。 ソーラー発電のシャワーがあるけど、ちょい寒かった〜1ヶ月ほど毎日ぬくぬくと快適なシャワーとお風呂になれてしまっていただけに、贅沢になっていました。

今晩はかなり風が強く、雨はまだ降っていないものも、外は、荒れ模様です。 せっかくキレイな海を見に迂回をしてここに戻ってきてるので、明日は晴れてくれないと困る!        頼むぜよ太陽さん!!!