Day Seven/Eight – Townsville

Two lazy days in Townsville, mostly taking care of business and looking after a few minor mechanical issues with the Delica. It was running quite rough under power and had suspicions about the fuel filter, so I replaced it with one with a better seal. We also had a 2.5” exhaust system installed – much more power down low now 😀

First impressions of Townsville are positive – I could live here (at least short term). I might think differently come summer time though…

20130521_RCH_2159 20130521_RCH_2160The downtown area is a little sad though. Nice old buildings, but they are vacant and run down. So few people walking around, too – apart from the odd tanned European tourist.

20130520_RCH_2151 20130520_RCH_2157It feels like a city obsessed with fitness (could have some connection to the army/air force bases in town). There is a large walkway along the waterfront (The Strand) that is a constant stream of walkers/joggers. The beaches though are plagued with the same problems that many of the northern QLD beaches suffer – marine stingers (jellyfish) – so there was only small netted sections open to swimmers. It was odd at first seeing vinegar containers on a beach (to help treat the stings).

20130520_RCH_2156Undoubtedly the biggest landmark of the city is Castle Hill (the giant rocky outcrop in the center).

20130521_RCH_2162It’s also not without controversy – someone once painted a giant stick figure ‘saint’ on the cliff face. I can’t say that I’m a fan, but it seems that public opinion is for keeping it. Some say it was a German backpacker, some say it was a local mechanic. Local legends…

Again with the fitness obsession, driving up to the top we were amazed by the numbers of walkers powering up the moderately sized hill. Motorists were greatly outnumbered.

20130521_RCH_2163 20130521_RCH_2176 20130521_RCH_2169From the car park at the top, there are a few short walks to different peaks that give amazing views out over the city, to the mountains behind, and to the Magnetic Island over the bay – nice to have so much beautiful nature in the middle of a city of this size.

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There are even WWII remnants on the top!

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We were spoilt to an amazing lamb roast, complete with home-made corn bread (delicious), so we returned the favour and made gyoza for our hosts.

7,8日目 Townsville



ぐるぐる回ってるうちにちょとづつ地理が分かってきました。 Townsvilleは、海に面していて、中心街からすぐにCastle Hillという岩のごつごつした山があります。 ビーチは1年中クラゲが発生しているので、海水浴は、クラゲよけネットが張ってある中でしか泳ぐ事はできません。その代わり子供用の水遊び場がかなり充実していて、ここで育ったら中々楽しい時間をすごせそうです。
Castle Hill (城の丘)なんて名前がついてるけど、別に昔お城があったわけでもなく、(オーストラリアの時代は浅いので!)ただなんとなく、あの丘にお城建ってそーだよねー建ってればイケてるのになぁ的についた名前の様です。 でも現在は、裕福層の人がどでかい城のような家を建ててすんでいるので、まぁその名にふさわしいかもしれません。 大きさは、、調べるのを忘れましたがそんなに大きくないです。地元の人は、朝、夕にエクササイズとして登っています。登山道もありますが、大抵の人はキレイに舗装された道路を歩いたり、走ったりしています。 晴れた日には、マグネティック島を含め、周りの島々を見渡せるとても見晴らしの良い場所です。




火曜日にTownsvillwを離れる予定でしたが、排気パイプの取り付けが午後遅くまで終わらなかったので、結局シェルとサムちゃんの家でもう1泊お世話になりました。 夜は餃子をお礼にこしらえました♫  シェルとサムちゃん、Townsvilleのとっても快適な

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1 Comment

  1. Are you referring to Risa as a remnant of WWII?

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