It was still raining heavy when we woke up, made getting out to go to the toilet unappealing.

I knew we were going to have a big day of driving today to get us near Osaka for the Danjiri festival, so we tried not to leave too late.  It was still 10:30 by the time we left the michi-no-eki at Kono, which by the way was the noisiest/busiest michi-no-eki to date.  Trucks just kept coming in/out all night (luckily with ear plugs in I had no idea).

We’d travelled maybe 15km when we saw a queue of cars, with people filling bottles of water at a spring.  We were getting low on water again (already), so I turned S.S Delica around (twice) to get our spring water on.  Well, firstly, the spring was on private property and the owner was a total arse clown carrying on that his water was god water.  He wouldn’t allow you to fill more than one bottle per car, unless you happened to buy his special containers, in which case you could fill 5 x 20L containers.  The spring was but a trickle, and there were hundreds of litres ahead of us, so we took off (and I had juvenile thoughts of me urinating into his holy water).


We kept on driving all day, out of Fukui-ken and into Shiga-ken, where we found an actual spring for us to fill up our nearly empty supply of water (from a well that actually suggested that you boil the water prior to consumption, which of course we didn’t).  I didn’t believe that Risa had the right address, because on the GPS it showed it being in the middle of a residential area, on the corner of an intersection.  And, there it was, on the corner of a road, in the middle of a very old residential area.  A further surprise were the giant carp living in a pond that was filled by the icy cold spring water.  Risa guessed that they were probably quite tasty fish, I guess we’ll never know.


A little later, and still in Shiga-ken, we drove through a town that was full of shops with hundreds of tanuki (racoon-like animal) statues, lined up like military.  Of course, the ones that we pulled into to photograph were the ones that were least impressive.  But, I wasn’t going to turn the car around to photograph pottery.  Risa told me a big list of what makes the tanuki statues special, from the hat protecting against unforseen events, smile to welcome/charm, giant testicles to show wealth and a full stomach to (also) show wealth among other things.

Not long after creepy tanuki town we were in Kyoto-fu, though we were trying to steer clear of Kyoto City for the moment, we’ll come back after the festival, when we have the time to see it properly.  We were barely in Kyoto-fu for an hour before we crossed into Nara-ken.  Again, we tried to avoid Nara City for the time being, maybe making a quick visit there tomorrow (weather depending), but we will be back to see it properly after the Danjiri matsuri.

We grabbed some salmon and some vegetables for dinner, which we cooked at a michi-no-eki just outside of Nara City.

A pretty uneventful day all things considered.


昨晩は、悪夢をみた。ロスが熊とワニの写真を撮りに行ってワニにがぶっとやられる夢、、、寝る前にデクスターを見るのは、良くないかもね。 そして一晩中激しい雨が降っていたので、何度も目が覚めてしまった。朝、ニュースをみたら福井のあたりでちょっと被害があったみたい。

移動しても一日中雨の予報だし、今週末の大阪のだんじり祭りを見る為に金曜の夜には、岸和田市入りしたいので今日は、大移動日にすることに。  ロスくんよろしくお願いしま〜す。



道路沿いの店でタヌキの群衆を発見! 生きている狸ではなくて、よくお店の前に置いてある焼きもののタヌキ。 それが、あちこちの店の前に100匹ほど群衆で置いてある!! 何事かと思いきや、ここは滋賀県の信楽市。そう、信楽焼で有名な信楽でした〜。  信楽焼は知っていたけど、この焼きもののタヌキは実は、信楽焼きの代表なんだって。知らなかった〜!  だからそれぞれの焼き物屋さんのお店の前に、飾りではなく、商品としてずらっと並んでる訳ね☆  タヌキさんの体の部位には、それぞれ意味があるらしい。 今日学んだ事をここで紹介させて頂きます。









らしいです。 たぬきに像にこんな意味があるなんて知らなかった〜。狸小路にあるタヌキ君たちもここ信楽の出身かもねなんてお店のおじさんとお話をしました。


途中のスーパー食材を買い、アクセントが関西弁に変化している事に関西入りを実感☆  キターーーーー!!

今晩は、焼き鮭とブロッコリーとお味噌汁です。 なんだか豪華な実家の朝ご飯みたい。   ざんねんながら鮭は、すでに塩がふってあるの知らずにさらにお醤油と塩を足してしまいました。 しょっぱかった、、、ロス君ごめんね。


