Day 35: Rest Day

Today is the end of five weeks of constant travel/sightseeing, and after a big weekend in Osaka (it wasn’t really that big) I wanted to take a day to re-charge.

Sadly, the weather didn’t really agree with what I wanted to do, it was both hot/muggy and still.  And, it was even worse inside the van.  We tried to sleep in, but by 8AM it was nearly impossible.  Wanting to rest more, we opened the doors/windows and watched an episode of Dexter before venturing inside the michi-no-eki for breakfast.  It’s generally air-conditioned inside, but not this one (even though it was large/modern/impressive).  It was almost hotter inside than out (though, far cooler than being inside the car).  The building was quite impressive, not only having a sento but also a library and a community centre (with cooking/arts classrooms).  Just no air-conditioning… or access to a power point for my computer.

We spent the day looking at things to do in Kyoto, and places to stay (Couchsurfing was no better than our current situation, but we gave Tatami Timeshare a try).  Oh, and sweating.  Lots of sweating.  Ew.

Risa decided to head into Kyoto to meet with an old friend, leaving me here in Kameoka by myself for the first time in five weeks, which kinda feels… weird.  At least I hope to catch up on computer stuff that I’d wanted to do since then.

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1 Comment

  1. Enjoy your time alone Ross♪ we’re off to L.A. tomorrow~ finally the day has come hehe

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