Another cold morning, not helped by the sun rising so late. But, really, the actual time is irrelevant. We wake up when the sun gets up (literally, since we don’t have a curtain on the back window/roof) and stop driving and cook dinner when the sun starts getting low.

Passed in to Gem Tree to try and use their showers (most places allow travellers to use them, for a fee). But, he said it was policy that they don’t rent showers… their loss (though, my head is feeling a little itchy/oily).

The last 100km of the Plenty Highway (so, just before Gem Tree) was single-lane bitumen, which was really welcome. It’s amazing how simple things like quiet can feel so great. The shaking and background noise of the dirt/gravel/corrugations slowly grates and agitates.

Driving in to Alice Springs was quite impressive. There are large ranges to either side of the town, and throughout are these hills that seem to be made entirely of boulders. The town is modern and lush. Sure, there are a few unruly Aboriginals making trouble, but that’s not a problem unique to Alice Springs.

41日目 6月23日(日) アリススプリング




街の中心は、200mの歩行者天国になっていて、ちょうどヒッピーのお祭りが行われていました。 お祭りっていってもヒッピーっぽい手作りのニット帽子がメインに売られていて、あとは、タイ料理、マレーシア、インド、韓国料理の屋台があったり、古本が売ってたりかなり規模は小さなものですが、日曜日でお土産屋さん以外ほぼ全ての店が閉まっているストリートが少し活気があって見るものがあってよかったかな。

街といってもかなり小さいので、じっくり、のんびり歩いて、途中ケンタキーがやたら食べたくなり、その後は、数週間前においしいチョコレートのジェラートを友達と食べる夢をみてからずっと食べたくてしょうがなかったジェラートを食べる事に。 (なんとアイザにはジェラート屋がなかった!)



今晩は、明日行く予定のRainbow Valley(レインボー渓谷)までの中継地のレストストップでキャンプ。 飼い猫から野生化した猫ちゃんたちが何匹かいました。

20130623_RCH_3835After all the bad luck we’d had with timing (other than Archer’s birth) it was great to see that we were in Alice in time for the Beanie Festival! Sadly, it just seemed to be an alternative lifestyle market, with the odd ethnic food stall in the mix. Kind of like the Valley Markets (in Brisbane), but with less dodgy t-shirts. (edit – turns out it’s actually a festival celebrating the humble woollen beanie keeping heads warm all over the world)

20130623_Untitled_Panorama1We (purposely) didn’t spend much time in Alice Springs, other than catching up on Internet and stocking up on supplies. We’ll be passing back this way in a few days, so hopefully get to see a little more of the town then.

We wanted to get to one of the national parks just south of Alice, but we were fast running out of sunlight and opted for a rest area on the side of the road. Suits our needs just fine – a place to park the car, with the bonus of a toilet (it even has hand soap and toilet paper!).

‘Supermoon’ was impressive through the trees just as the sun was setting. Beautiful deep yellow hue within the blue/purple shades of the sunset. (No photos, too obscured by trees to be worthy a photo).