The clouds were rolling in last night as the ‘supermoon’ was rising, and this morning they had completely ruined the sky… It dampened my exploratory spirits somewhat… what’s the point of seeing it in dull light.

20130624_RCH_3898A little south of Alice Springs, along a 22km road (with possibly the worst stretch of corrugations we have yet encountered) is this beautiful rock formation. Story goes the iron leached down with rain, embedding the sandstone with erosion resistance, and also staining it with the ‘rainbow’ hues.

There is a basic campsite ($3.30 each into an honesty box) with a drop toilet, and barbeque area (including free gas BBQs!), so we’re spending the night here.

20130624_RCH_3851 20130624_RCH_3856 20130624_RCH_3879 20130624_RCH_3882But first, we went and did a little exploring. From the car park there is a (very) short walk to a mushroom shaped rock (which I didn’t notice until later), but being adventurous, we decided to keep walking, climbing up the rear of the cliff, and then traversing all the way around. To begin with, we were following countless other footprints. By the end, we were in full trailblazing spirit, walking along dried creek beds, up and over sand dunes, and skipping (figuratively) over kangaroo droppings (side note – just why are they spherical?).

Anyway, the valley is truly beautiful. We were lucky to get a few brief glimpses of it in the sunlight, and in those moments the colour really ‘popped’. I was loving all the dramatic shapes caused by the eons of erosion. Weird thing to say, but it made me think that we were in America (even though I’ve only visited Disney Land).

We were a little carried away, by the time we were back to the car, we’d been walking for close to two hours! I think I wore poor little Risa out.

We killed a few hours relaxing in the van, eating lunch, reading guidebooks for upcoming adventures and we even watched The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert (fitting, since we were just in Alice Springs).

20130624_RCH_3902Sunset didn’t happen, just a faint glow on the horizon, which is a shame as I’ve heard it’s the best time to really appreciate the colours. The clouds also mean I’m not going to see my ‘supermoon’ or any other stars tonight… I guess we’ve been spoilt recently, but kind of expected it to be clear every day and every night.

42日目 6月24日(月) Rainbow Valley

朝起きると残念ながら久々のどんより曇り空。 オーストラリアの天気予報をみると毎日だいたい雲は、大陸の両ハジ以外は雲がないのにいつも笑っていたけど、(誰も住んでいないからめんどくさがって省略してるのかと思うほど笑) 晴れて欲しい時にこれかぁ〜。 やっぱり自然はコントロールできません。

もちろん旅行をしていると毎日天気は良いに越した事はないんだけど、とくにRainbow Valleyは、1日のお日様の辺り具合によりまさにレインボー(虹)の様にさまざまな色に変化するらしいので、どうしても天気になって欲しかった。




エクササイズの後は、夕日を待ちつThe Adventures of  Priscilla Queen of  desert“プリシラの冒険〜砂漠の女王”(日本のタイトルはこれで合ってるか分からないけど)というオーストラリアの映画を見ました。 あのマトリックスのエージェントスミス役のオーストラリア人 俳優ヒューゴ  ウィービングが、ゲイのダンサー友達とシドニーからアリススプリングを目指すという内容の映画。

大分前にも見た事はあったけど、オーストラリアに来てからは見てなかったし、今いる場所と風景が似ているのでとてもいいインスピレーション?になりました笑 かなり面白いので、次回ビデオ屋さんに行く機会があったらぜひぜひ借りてみてください!!
