First thing on the agenda was to get to Port Hedland and get the alternator bearings repaired. We’d camped about 80km from town, so it was about 9AM by the time we’d arrived. We pulled over and I started calling auto-electrical mechanics as I found them by searching online. … and not a single one answered the phone. Actually, that’s not true, one did answer, but he told me that he was in Kalgoorlie and that it would be about a 14-hour drive, but I was welcome to bring the car to him… (his advert came up in the search because they service this area… which I find hard to believe). I thought something had to be up, so I asked the clerk at the petrol station and it was as I’d guessed, it was a public holiday here today – Port Hedland Cup Day. Frustrating, but undeterred, I tried calling some mechanics at the next town (Karratha), to try and organise something for tomorrow… and they weren’t answering either (maybe they get today off, too…). I’ll sort something out tomorrow.

20130805_RCH_0431 20130805_RCH_0435We knew that Port Hedland is famous (infamous?) for the huge amount of iron ore that is exported via its port. I forget the percentage, but it’s a staggering amount of Australia’s (and for that matter, the world’s) iron ore. While I took care of some business, we watched the little tugboats escort some of these super tankers in to port. It might not be visible, but there were many more waiting on the horizon, too. There is a tour available of the BHP port, but being that today is a public holiday (luck), it was shut.

20130805_RCH_0432I knew about the iron, but had no idea about salt! I still can’t believe that there is so much salt in one place, that they need a giant bulldozer to push it around! (I also hope that it’s properly sanitised)

And, that was the end of Port Hedland for us. We had a quick drive-by of the racecourse, to check out the fashion of the crowd, and we couldn’t see many people there… much smaller than the Ayr races we went to back in May.

20130805_RCH_0437 20130805_RCH_0438 20130805_RCH_0439It was back on the ‘Great’ Northern Highway for the rest of the afternoon. Things started to get a little more interesting as we got further from Port Hedland – hills started appearing on the horizon, and there started to be more colour in the vegetation. No longer was it just dry spinifex and dust, we were starting to see green, and more excitingly, wild flowers.

20130805_RCH_0440 20130805_RCH_0444 20130805_RCH_0443 20130805_RCH_0451Camped the night at a romantically named ‘Honeymoon Cove’. To be honest, I was expecting something a little more from it than a small rocky cove. At least the sunset was pretty, going from big orange hues, to purple/pink and blue colours after the sun finally set. The area is technically a ‘day use only’ area, plastered with ‘no camping’ signs, so we were a little wary, but after we’d finished dinner, seven trucks (sans trailer) came and parked next to us. They come here all the time and said to ignore the signs!

20130805_RCH_0442Oh, and dinner was an awesome stir-fry – bok choy, mushroom, carrot, udon, pork mince, oyster sauce, garlic, sesame and probably other things that I didn’t notice.

84日目 8月 5日 (月)     ほぼ移動日

朝キャンプ地を出発して、デリちゃんの修理をお願いする為に次の町Port Hedland に行きましたが、あいにく今日は、レースデイといって町主催の競馬レースが行われている為、なんとこの町は祝日でメカニックはどこも会いていない。。 またもや、次の町まで修理は、お預けです。


この小さな港町は、なんと世界一の鉄の輸出港だそうです。  ここから内陸に数百キロほどの所にいくつかの世界最大の鉄鉱山があり、そこからこの港まで運ばれてきます。

それが、目立たないように最初から赤茶色のペイントの建物も沢山目につきました。   ここで育つとなんか肺に悪そう、、、


さらに南下を続け今日のキャンプ予定地のHoneymoon cove (ハネムーンコーブ)というロマンチックな名前のついた場所のあるRoebourneという町を目指しました。





看板には、キャンプ禁止と書かれていたので、心配だったのですが、夕飯を終えると5、6台のトラックが停まり、彼らはいつもここで寝泊まりしているそうなので大丈夫だそう。 よかったー。


